Create Music Streaming Apps Like Spotify

We design and develop native dating applications like
Spotify on Android and iOS platforms.

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Be a leader in Streaming Music Market

Spotify is a eminent music streaming and podcast application that has acquired audience in only a couple of years. With brilliant elements, customized feed, and an adaptable membership model, Spotify has drawn in users from across the globe. Podcasts, radio broadcasts, learning series, and most recent music tracks; you can find nearly everything on this music application. Other than that, the application additionally empowers you to impart your organized playlist to your companions or some other client present on this application. Because of such brilliant functionalities and an astonishing UI, the Spotify clone application has today turned into a moving part of the music streaming application advancement industry. When are you intending to get your Spotify clone?


Launch Your Own White Label Spotify like App

Get your Spotify clone app enriched with your desired features, designs, and tech-stack to give your music streaming business a new height. Our development prices are affordable and we work on cutting-edge technologies to develop state-of-the-art apps at your budget.

Simple Marketing

Effectively market your Spotify clone application by offering a comparable user experience as the first application to your ideal target group.

Enormous User-Base

Celebrate better incomes and return on investment with an enormous user base for your Spotify clone application by including the interesting features.

Minimal expense Investment

Invest at a much lower cost and get 100% profits from your ventures by using attempted and tried adaptation models of Spotify

Guaranteed Success

Guarantee total accomplishment for your Spotify clone application by utilizing our master advancement technologies and shrewd AI models.

What are the available features in our Spotify Clone App

Our skilled team of developers use advanced development process and make highly featured Spotify clone meeting the current marketing trends. We believe in delivering the apps capable of meeting 100% client demands and having all necessary features to lure huge user base.

Profile Settings

Empower your users to make their profile, set their music preferences, and control everything on their Spotify clone application feed.

Radio broadcasts

Draw in your users viably by offering them radio broadcasts of the famous beats they wish to hear alongside the download choice.

Make Playlist

Present your users to add their cherished music tracks in a unique playlist, and share or download that playlist through the application.

Recently Played

Provide a flawless experience to your users by allowing them to continue the tracks they left while enjoying music with a recently played option.

Curated Playlists

Woo your users by understanding their taste in music and creating customized playlist based on their interest.

Group Sessions

Allow your users to enjoy music in real-time with the family of group of friends by group session functionality.

Share Playlist with Friends

Allow your users to easily create and share any playlist that you like with friends or other users of the Spotify clone app.

Listen Podcasts

Allow your users to pay attention to their most loved podcasts and empower them to share and download the meetings they need.

Technology Stack Behind Our Spotify Clone App Development

For Android Development



Programming Language



Programming Language

For iOS Development


Xcode 9.4



Swift 4

Programming Language



Programming Language

For Backend Development



Web Development Language





Ubuntu 16.04

Hosting Server


1What is a Spotify Clone app?

A Spotify clone app is a mobile application designed to replicate the core features and functionalities of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. It allows users to listen to music, create playlists, discover new tracks, and enjoy a similar music streaming experience.

2How Can I Get a Spotify Clone App for My Business?

To get a Spotify clone app for your business, you can partner with a software development company specializing in music streaming app development. They will work with you to customize the app according to your brand and feature requirements.

3What Features Does a Spotify Clone App Offer?

A typical Spotify clone app includes features like user registration, music library access, personalized playlists, search and discovery functionalities, offline listening, social sharing, and user-generated content. You can tailor these features to suit your music niche or target audience.

4 Is It Legal to Create a Spotify Clone App?

Developing a Spotify clone app that uses your original content or properly licensed music is legal. However, it's essential to respect copyright laws and secure the necessary licenses for the music you intend to stream. Consulting with legal experts is advisable to ensure compliance.

5Can I Monetize My Spotify Clone App?

Yes, there are various ways to monetize your Spotify clone app. You can offer both free and premium subscription plans with ad-free listening and offline downloads as premium features. Additionally, you can generate revenue through ads, in-app purchases, and partnerships with artists and record labels.

6How Do I Ensure a Smooth User Experience for My Spotify Clone App?

Ensuring a smooth user experience involves optimizing app performance, maintaining a vast music library, providing regular updates, and offering customer support. Partnering with an experienced development team is crucial to address technical challenges and ensure a seamless experience for your users.